Saturday, January 15

Starting Semester 2

It's 7:19am on Saturday morning and I cannot fall back to sleep. Oh, wait, I hear my puppy whining from her kennel, a sure sign that now, I cannot get up until she stops. Fast forward and it's 7:37, we're sitting on the couch, just lovin' on each other's company and enjoyin' life. But, at the end of the day, it's Saturday morning.

Well, at least it provided me with the time to sit down and take a second to write a new update on the blog. Jordan and I are back in Guatemala and off to a running start, but this semester is nothing like the last. School has a routine, church has a routine, Risa has a routine, and we have routine. If you know anything about Jordan and I, if there is a routine, then everything is going well.

As I was laying in bed this morning, thinking about our life and our future, something (or rather, someone) popped right in. It was Mrs. Pelton. Now, if you know who I am talking about, you have already smiled because you, you remember Mrs. Pelton, too. Mrs. Pelton was my K-6 principal at Southfield Christian and probably the best, most qualified, loveliest principal in the entire world. If Mrs. Pelton was 5" tall, I would be surprised, but no one realized that until they were 14 or 15, even 16 and they themselves were over 5" tall. I believe that speaks to her personality and ability to lead. That being said, every Friday morning, Mrs. Pelton would lead worship during Elementary Chapel. I went to a Christian school, affiliated with a Baptist church; most of you can imagine the 80s-90s songs we sang. This early morning, one in particular came to my mind: "They that wait upon the Lo-o-rd, shall renew the-ir stren-en-ength. They shall mount up on wi-ngs like ea-gles, they shall run and not grow wea-ry, they shall walk and not grow faint. Teach me Lord, teach me Lo-ord, to waaait." Now that speaks to Mrs. Pelton's ability to spiritually impact a 6-year old for at least 15 years.

And that, perfectly describes our situation here and now. Jordan and I must learn in these coming weeks to wait on the Lord. We're turning 24 in the next few weeks, I think we're old enough to handle that. :)


Like I said, school is going well, albeit, still crazy, but even my mom, who has been teaching for years can tell you that never changes.

Every other week, the secondary
students have a little "Spirit Day" competition. So, on Thursdays, they choose a theme and each grade competes against each other. Jordan and I are 10th grade advisers, so we are invited to dress up, also. Many of you have probably seen the pictures from "Christmas Day" where Jordan and I were Santa and Mrs. Claus and the kids were our "elves." Well, this past week, we took it a step farther and we think we brought Spirit Days to a whole new level. It was "Retro Day" and we needed to pull something big in order to catch up to the other classes that were getting "creative" points. The instructions: dress up as someone would dress from the 40s-80s. Naturally, we decided that we needed to dress up as zombies. Why? One tenth grader is a big Michael Jackson fan. So, he dressed up as MJ and we filled in as the rest of the cast from Thriller. Like, I said, we brought Spirit Days to a whole new level.

As for the rest of the semester, if you could keep these dates in mind and in prayer. We have a lot going on about every other week until April, if not the last day of school in May. I made a New Year's Resolution to follow-up on the blog with every major event, so stay tuned.

January 20th-22nd: High School Retreat (Jordan is leading worship in 5 chapel services as we spend time getting to know our high schoolers more)
January 21st: The big 2-4 for Jordan
January 30th: The big 2-4 for Rachel
February 10th-15th: Kelli (MOH) is coming to visit!!!
February 14th: Valentine's Day Fundraiser sponsored by the 10th grade
February 17th-19th: Servant Days (a mini-mission trip we are taking with our 10th graders)
February 25th-27th: Intermissions (a conference of rejuvenation for all missionaries in Guate; if you remember, Jordan wrote about it in last spring's newsletter)
March 5th-12th: Wheaton BreakAway (our team from Wheaton is coming down for the mission trip Jordan is leading)
April 2: High School Banquet (we'll go as sponsors)
Unknown dates: CAG Talent Show sponsored by the 10th grade, lots of other friends and family visitors :), hopefully, getting time to breath

Well, that's about all, it's 8:37am now and our day is about to begin. I hear Jordan's coffee brewing already. Thank you for reading and we love you. Shoot us an email or Facebook us, we would love to hear from you!