Monday, March 15

Adios 3rd Quarter!

The 3rd Quarter is officially over here at CAG and there are plenty of emotions that it carries along with it. The biggest one, of course, being that there is only one quarter left before my return home and wedding! All that to say, so much has happened in this third quarter that it would be impossible to share it all with you. That being said, I thinks Elementary Sports Day deserves some recognition. I don't know about you, but I definitely looked forward to this day as an elementary student. A day filled with competition and games against fellow classmates was the pinnacle of fun. I had never thought, however, of the strain and craziness the P.E. teachers feel! Sports day at CAG can be best described as controlled chaos. Of all the hilarious stories I could tell, I think the Dodgeball Showdown must be told. All other players were out except two on each team. I forth grade boy with an arm and determination to win, and a third grade Korean girl, who maybe weighed 50 pounds soaking wet in a snow-suit. There showdown lasted an exciting 8 minutes! Back and forth they went and the electricity flowed through the gym. The boy not wanting to lose to a girl (and understandably so at that age!) and the girl wanting to prove that girls were just as good as boys.
Both were tiring fast and the throws were becoming lazier and lazier until the boy made a fateful mistake. Moving to close to the girl without a ball for protection, the girl summoned all her strength for one last lob, nailing him right in the arm. Girls win! I've never seen so much excitement run through a group of kids like that and it was probably the most entertaining sight in a long time.