What happens after zero?
What happens after zero? Interesting question you say? Allow me a moment to explain. Last year Rachel and I got engaged on July 16th and then I left for my first "tour of duty" in Guatemala four days later. Almost immediately upon my arrival here I was counting until the first time R
achel would visit. Counting until I would come home for Christmas. Counting until I would come home for the summer and the big countdown, counting until the Big Day. Now, I suppose the question naturally would be, what happens after zero? Well, if I may, I believe I have the answer: Life! This semester has flown by. Between Sophomore retreats, Sunday nights at the Gathering, Parent-Teacher conferences, visitors, and the latest fiasco from CAG, Harvest Fair (we'll get to that later), weeks can be seemingly clocked by an egg timer all of a sudden. I think Kenny Chesney said it best in his nostalogic country song when he said "Don't blink, time goes faster than you think." I agree.
So Harvest Fair. Each year the secondary puts on a carnival as a fund raiser for each classes
' Senior trip. This year's theme was "Alice in Wonderland" but don't let that limit you to the amazing creativity of each of the grade's and their booths. All the classes showed astounding creativity, but putting biases aside, I would say the Sophmores had the best booths. The first booth was a pool-noodle Fighting Booth, fully-equipped with a balance beam and gym mats to cushion the fall. Our second booth was the less lethal Fishing Booth. This booth included all the perks including a toddler size pool, magnets, and more candy than you can shake a stick at. Even with those two
great booths, the show stopper was the Pie Toss. Basically pie tins, whipped-cream
, and some of the most "popular" teachers at school and you've got an award-winning humiliation booth that couldn't get a moments rest! Students came out of the woodwork to satisfy revenge on their teachers, including the recently married Mr. and Mrs. Underwood (we must have made an impression!)
Rachel and I are doing great. We have our arguments but that's where the real growth happens I think. Harvest Fair was a blast working with the kids but I can honestly we're both looking forward to a little rest and relaxation over Thanksgiving Break. Only four weekends away...

PS. Stay tuned for the URL for the CAG musical "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" coming soon!
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