It's Risa, the dog (best in the world). I know, I know, a little anticlimactic, you wanted to hear from my “parents” - not me. But, listen, they're a tad busy and so I thought I
would do this for them. Ya know, try to help out a little. Basically, you either take what I'm offering or leave it. That's right, you can click the little X on your screen anytime, but truly, I think you'd be interested in what I have to say.
It's been quite the crazy few weeks – my parents are always coming and going. To get them back for it, I try to wake them up every morning at about 6, it keeps them fresh, plus, they feed me to get me to leave them alone. Works every time. Then, at night, I'm brave now, so I go up on the roof and bark at all the dogs. I always hear my parents calling my name, I think they miss me when I go up there. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.
When we first got here, after my encounters with scary airport people and loud engines, they had Teacher Orientation and they would leave me in my kennel. Those days were the best, because they would come home at lunch to play. I overheard them talking that
they learned a lot of new teaching techniques, I'm glad it was useful. Now, their lunch break is shorter and I've proven my maturity, so they leave me in the family room instead of the crate. I pretty much tricked them into letting me out of the kennel by chewing up one of my crate pillows and, boy, were they unhappy. But, boy, did it work...humans. And when they are home, I don't get on the furniture, but, when they leave or go to bed, I definitely only sleep on the couches. They made me a bed of hard pillows and scratchy quilts! Couch versus pillows and quilts, couch versus pillows and quilts; like I said...humans. Now, they come home right after school to let me out or take me back with them. I prefer to stay at home, school is a little scary, especially during basketball practice.
I know my “mom” is teaching K-2, Middle School, and High School Physical Education and English 10. They keep her pulling her hair out, but I know she is enjoying them. As for my “dad,” he's even busier than mom... he's teaching the same classes as last year (Bible 9, US History 8, Economics - 2nd Semester, High School Physical Education, and Weights Elective), but he even picked up a sixth! He's also doing Bible 10, my parents enjoy the 10th graders.
I met a few of them this weekend. 11 of them (half of the whole class) came over to help paint our bedrooms. I didn't have much fun that day, they were all loud. I kept trying to
get under the bed, instead, I accidentally ran into the wall and covered myself in paint. Mom spent the better part of the next few days picking the paint out of my fur... oops.
Dad is still doing piano lessons after school, volunteering at the youth group and leading worship on Sunday nights at church. Mom signed up to be the assistant basketball coach and she loves it, but she will be excited for the end of the season. I'm the mascot, they even named a play after me!
Pray for my parents, they need it. Mom's been a little sick and really hurt her back after painting. And dad, he's just so busy... he does play with me every night though, don't worry. They are going to cut back because it's too much. There is always work to be done in ministry, but they can't tackle it all.
Shoot, gotta run, they'll be home soon and the roofs are calling me. We love all of you!
PS: Tell Bella I'm learning some Spanish, I'll share it with her when I come home. Te amo, chica!